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Wealth metrics have evolved since OconEco's founder pioneered them in the World Bank's Monitoring Environmental Progress. Arguably the most influential quantitative brand is now Inclusive Wealth, in key ways more like MEP than the Bank's current brand. OconEco has its own brand, embedded in M-LA, developed conjointly with sciGaia. However, we suggest clients start with a blend of two qualitative brands we think have the same focus on wealth creation; each claiming the P3 moniker. We think J. R. Hicks got it right, about all branding and not just branding income measures, when he wrote in Value and Capital (page 179), "On the general principle of 'bygones are bygones', it can have no relevance to present decisions." We provide clients who agree with a tailored blend of quantitative and qualitative models that leads from 3P logic to assessment of Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats--as disruptive or orthodox as clients wish. 

A. 2xP3 logic

P3 is shorthand for two verbal models of sustainable development as we see it: People, Planet, Prosperity (e.g., EPA) Public-Private Partnerships (e.g., WB)

Our tools cut orthogonally across both to lead outreach from the model likely to resonate in a stakeholder group. This mainly seeks answers to a reporter's objective questions about the client's stated task. These are mostly identified as nouns, Concept Hierarchy details on three coordinates: Who/What, Where, When. It mainly relies on M-LA and FIND.

More A. 2xP3 logic

B. SWOT logic

Moving from problem-identification to problem-solving requires answering a reporter's subjective questions: How & Why? We see these as subjective since much depends on the subject--both the subject under discussion and who is proposing an answer.

Most stakeholders are aware of SWOT and use simple versions (e.g., here). We create industry/activity benchmarks for clients to assess their own SWOT, from our automated approach as well as any SWOT scheme already in use.

The unique aspect of our approach is in blending word- and number-oriented models. This entails fuzzy logic about process terms, essentially verbs, that may be explicit or implicit. We collect such terms in "concept halos" and let clients and stakeholders decide how narrowly or broadly to focus that lens on a given workspace task.

More B. SWOT logic

C. Disruptive logic

OconEco can streamline conventional tasks like financial and non-financial reporting. However, its main interest is clients who feel pushed out of their comfort zones. This may mean they have been too quick or too slow at adapting to changing production possibilities, consumer preferences, or some such.

We help clients decide whether they should stay the course, because trends seem to be moving their way; or reset their risk-reward position. We call this upgrading abductive reasoning.

More C. Disruptive logic