
What you see depends on where you stand

Having evolved from decades of work with such processes, our tools work with most common typologies. 

OconEco's toolkit supports two levels of virtual stakeholder engagement, gauging likely interactions among actors a client is considering as collaborators in a specific task or workspace.  It suggests invitations to actual meetings be based on contributions to virtual ones.

We start by assigning a client's prospective contributors to a conventional stakeholder typology as well as our version of three-dimensional stakeholder analysis. This entails scraping prospects' websites as well as the client's, to find similarities and differences in the "open/free area" of a Johari Window. Such content analysis suggests ways to ensure engagement highlights similarities and explains differences in the open/free area, given each stakeholders initial position in the 3D scheme. We then add content analysis of specifics the client plans as the focus of the workspace task. We recommend a light foray into the client's "hidden area" since that is often why stakeholders engage.  

The second level uses a version of Ansoff's Matrix to turn content analysis into Perspectives on the collective's strategic performance potential (see here for academic backgrounder). This helps craft an engagement offer likely to attract a critical mass of interest and power/resources. In our experience, success depends on a how the engagement offer suggests a client is willing and able to modify resource allocation processes that create and allocate wealth. We recommend operational guidelines for a workspace as a way to promote expectation of changed behavior by all stakeholders (see here for academic backgrounder). Elements of our toolkit are calibrated by such guidelines, like our version of the Dashboard of Sustainability (see here and here for original, which OconEco's founder helped create),