Multi-Local Analytics (M-LA)

Separating the wheat from the chaff

it is "exactly wrong" to interpret the drive for quantitative rigor as inherent somehow in the activity of science except where political and social pressures force compromise. Objectivity derives its impetus from cultural contexts, quantification becoming most important where elites are weak, where private negotiation is suspect, and where trust is in short supply.   Theodore Porter's Trust in Numbers: The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life

Human Dimensions

M-LA tries to recognize and value the world as most humans do. That means valuing ourselves, individually and collectively; hard as it is to be even "roughly right" about how to express that relative to physical and financial assets exchanged for money (Property Assets). In keeping with MEP, we do so by recognizing society's productive base also includes Human Resources (HR, from investing in individuals, like education and health) and Social Infrastructure (SI, from investing in how we collaborate and compete).

More on Human Dimensions

Physical & financial dimensions

Macroeconomics relies on accounting schemes that only recognize assets by property rights. Those in turn depend on legal systems that vary by time and place. M-LA fits such schemes into a broader model of society's productive base, pioneered in MEP

More on Physical & financial dimensions

Location dimensions

MEP pushed the empirical envelope by providing benchmark wealth estimates, broadly defined, for nations. M-LA sees our world as tens or even hundreds of thousands of 'laboratories' testing ways to create wealth, as stakeholders in a given time and place see it. M-LA details place to US Counties and equivalents elsewhere, with selective addition of finer grain geographic data. It details time by year--historically (1949 to 2019), with baseline projections to 2044. 

More on Location dimensions