Works in progress

Papers circulated for comment

Cork in a multi-local world

This 2017 paper offers Information and Computer Technology solutions consistent with an M-LA use case in Cork, Ireland. The specific goal was to support local efforts to secure EU funding for Cork as a Second-tier Metropolitan area of European with a Port (SMEP). It tested the M-LA brand of matched modeling of causal inferences (see here for academic backgrounder).

An update is planned for early 2020 to assess risks and opportunities for Cork as an SMEP as the UK exits the EU.

Muni metrics

This 2018 paper uses M-LA to assess the $4 trillion municipal bond (muni) market that is otherwise based on quaint ratings by for-profit agencies (SEC's Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations). It chronicles the beginning of OconEco's current deep dive into unit-level metrics on US State and Local Governments (SLG). A working prototype for Florida SLG connects the dots among units' Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) in MSRB's EMMA and unit websites; Florida's Local Government Financial Reporting system, and Census of Government data. An expanded version of this paper is planned for early 2022 as we operationalize the Florida application.

Gross Territorial Product (GTP) by US County

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) in the US Commerce Department now published County-level details of its State-level estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This 2019 paper argues results must be used advisedly for place-based resource allocation decisions. It elaborates M-LA data that, when related to BEA and other mainstream sources, provide a firmer base for engaging all stakeholders in such decisions. Draft for comment available on request.

Natural, transfer, and market price for water

Water may be cheapest of valuable things, as Plato opined; but it isn't 'free' as Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) and & national accounts (NA) presume. This 2018 paper provides both a conceptual framework and "optimally imprecise indicators" for valuing water by US County. It argues mainstream pricing at "precisely" zero hides real wealth transfers that ought to be explicit in local resource allocation decisions. It outlines M-LA water metrics and considers implications for regional and US policies, given disparate water rights east and west of the Mississippi.

Appalachian land use and social push

This 2017 paper suggests M-LA can reveal and help mitigate the conflict inherent in current approaches to Appalachia's sustainability. The mainstream approach, typified by Community Development Financial Institutions and Opportunity Zones, assumes more investment is needed in property assets. In practice, most CDFI/OZ subsidize fledgling entrepreneurs' use of existing property assets; say funding their use of someone else's 'bankable' if secondarily stranded assets (empty offices, stores, etc.). The alternative funds education and job training, assuming higher quality Human Resources (HR) attracts new businesses and create more entrepreneurs. In practice, it facilitates exodus of those acquiring higher quality HR, to places with existing businesses can use their talent. M-LA is a way to attract a particular type of patient capital to specific local communities, in this case the mostly rural Appalachian communities hardest hit by collapse of coal. 

Industry shared value

This 2012 paper develops metrics for a triage approach to 'intangibles' that explain differences between a corporation's net worth in GAAP reports and equity markets. Briefly,

1. Intangibles recognized and valued by GAAP now but not in the past, including "Goodwill" from mergers and acquisitions.

2. Own account intangibles like brand equity and institutional organization as assets.

3. Industry-wide or shared intangibles, like joint lobbying efforts.